DFRWS 2006 Forensics Challenge File Image Layout

Overview  |   Challenge Details   |   File Image Layout   |   Results


The File Carving Challenge file contained 32 files (not including the embedded files, such as pictures in Word documents or the files inside of ZIP files). The 32 files were used to create 22 different scenarios, which are described in the next section. Each scenario was designed to test a specific situation that might occur in a real file system. For example, there were different scenarios for fragmented JPEG files with text in between and with random data in between.

The image file was initialized by creating a 50MB file with random data (using /dev/urandom). The files needed to create each scenario were found from the public domain on the Internet. They were copied into the image file at places that would create the needed scenarios and would make each scenario isolated (i.e. not using the same file for multiple scenarios). The data in between each scenario is random.

Note that one of the downsides of using public domain material was that some submissions found the fragmented files by locating the full file on the Internet and then searching the image file for the missing parts. Although, if we had created every file from scratch, then we may not have created a diverse set of different file types from different applications.


The scenarios used for the challenge were organized into four categories, based on file type. Each category had one or more scenarios and each scenario was labeled with category number and a letter.

Category 1 focused on HTML files with ASCII text:
1a) One HTML non-fragmented
1b) One HTML fragmented with a JPEG in between
1c) One HTML fragmented with Unicode text in between
1d) Two HTML files that are intertwined

Category 2 focused on Microsoft Office documents:
2a) One Word file, non-fragmented
2b) One Word file, fragmented with 3 fragments and random data in between
2c) One Excel file fragmented with random data in between
2d) One Word file fragmented with a JPEG in between
2e) One Word file fragmented with text in between

Category 3 focused on JPEG files:
3a) One JPEG non-fragmented
3b) One JPEG non-fragmented, larger than a typical default max file size
3c) One JPEG non-fragmented, but sector before it has 0xffd8 in the first two bytes
3d) One JPEG fragmented with text in between
3e) One JPEG fragmented with a Word document in between
3f) One JPEG fragmented with random data in between
3g) One JPEG fragmented with a JPEG in between
3h) Two JPEGs that are intertwined
3i) One JPEG non-fragmented that is REALLY big
3j) One JPEG fragmented with singe sector in between that starts with 0xffd9

Category 4 focused on ZIP files:
4a) One ZIP file, non-fragmented
4b) One ZIP file fragmented with text in between
4c) One ZIP file fragmented with random data in between

Image File Layout

Based on the scenarios described in the previous section, the following layout of files was created. Sector numbers start with 0 and each sector is 512 bytes.

Start Sector End Sector Scenario Description
9 44 1a HTML, non-frag
2051 3050 2c Excel, frag 1 of 2
3051 3071 2c Random
3072 3770 2c Excel, frag 2 of 2
3868 4428 3a JPEG, non-frag
4436 4455 1d HTML 1, frag 1 of 2
4456 4485 1d HTML 2, frag 1 of 2
4486 4501 1d HTML 1, frag 2 of 2
4502 4556 1d HTML 2, frag 2 of 2
7964 8284 2d Word, Frag 1 of 2
8285 9473 2d JPEG, non-frag
9474 10031 2d Word, Frag 2 of 2
11619 11822 3d JPG, frag 1 of 2
11823 11848 3d Text
11849 12017 3d JPG, frag 2 of 2
12222 26116 3b BIG JPEG
27496 27606 1b HTML, frag 1 of 2
27607 27977 1b JPEG
27978 28196 1b HTML, frag 2 of 2
28244 28245 1c HTML, frag 1 of 2
28246 28306 1c Unicode text
28307 28344 1c HTML, frag 2 of 2
28439 28726 4a ZIP 1, non-frag
28729 29528 4b Zip, frag 1 of 2
29529 29895 4b HTML
29896 31368 4b Zip, frag 2 of 2
31475 31532 3h JPEG 1, Frag 1 of 2
31533 31752 3h JPEG 2, Frag 1 of 2
31753 31887 3h JPEG 1, Frag 2 of 2
31888 32036 3h JPEG 2, Frag 2 of 2
32837 33397 2a Word, non-frag
34288 34306 2e Word, Frag 1 of 2
34307 34412 2e Text, non-frag
34413 36236 2e Word, Frag 2 of 2
36291 36291 3c Sector with 0xffd8
36292 36640 3c JPEG
36998 37649 2b Word, frag 1 of 3
37650 37726 2b Random
37727 39427 2b Word, frag 2 of 3
39428 39476 2b Random
39477 40380 2b Word, frag 3 of 3
40638 41219 3f JPG, frag 1 of 2
41220 41238 3f Random
41239 41609 3f JPG, frag 2 of 2
41611 43433 3g JPEG 1, Frag 1 of 2
43434 44028 3g JPEG 2, non-frag
44029 44200 3g JPEG 1, Frag 2 of 2
45015 45386 4c Zip, frag 1 of 2
45387 45389 4c Random
45390 45545 4c Zip, frag 2 of 2
45566 45963 3e JPG, frag 1 of 2
45964 46103 3e Office
46104 46826 3e JPG, frag 2 of 2
46910 94836 3i Really Big JPG
94846 95628 3j JPEG , frag 1 of 2
95629 95629 3j Sector with ffd9
95630 96653 3j JPEG, frag 2 of 2

Individual File Information

The information for each of the files can be found in the following table. The individual files are also available for download (35MB, ZIP file).

File Name MD5 Hash Size (bytes)
1a.html eec87931b03e5a4a4ef8fd51109a1227 18147
1b.html a80ee062aed8279304faae8f20f6d48e 168527
1b.jpg fe7e7ac67709f2d9c2483aa98c681b99 189534
1c.html 045798407b927321326a547704e67831 20019
1c.txt 616a6bbe915c3dbf51014fd76f55b0e3 30816
1d1.html 8a1ac28fe7bd144b8230b38b284a3827 18426
1d2.html 80e6b9221ef308ff1639fd19df036e34 43236
2a.doc 0e52e75029e99cd2e9dcd0af271cf4a2 287232
2b.doc 4a22f04b097920d11fff4e192e0667a4 1667584
2c.xls 03d1deff4774c932358d3580a3bbae66 869888
2d.doc 8d2a9a284e078805ada47db191f35244 450048
2d.jpg 4efc6c572683878efd8f3404ddaded7b 608703
2e.doc d7ff92b8cc1c89c46a78288b9c673152 943616
2e.txt 5a12ef9dba88a186ef18a5d349b28e37 53870
3a.jpg daf4205574abd6919b10ca8be92d17a3 287186
3b.jpg b070beae1606f67a342bc5f78c29c743 7113968
3c.jpg 2fae8770cc013d22e9ea1c070f2f509b 178659
3d.jpg 7b07320709e0caa947663f5df3a0a390 190720
3d.txt f800a46e18fafd309825c5ee84a654a2 12826
3e.doc 109284cc5abddc83879a29785795fd75 71680
3e.jpg 2320fe9c41eaddb864a56c2ddc4dd186 573499
3f.jpg f8c51e0688796b5d616f0e5d4a94d104 487473
3g1.jpg 7cce072e518fd72484c97adb1b4be08e 1021085
3g2.jpg c0da37b3f1a07af790e6e9171cedc4d2 304413
3h1.jpg db89684c177168036e274140ecf766a1 98354
3h2.jpg 0915313e99af0f6bf13bc06bcd003113 188693
3i.jpg db32b271506b2f4974791957627c61cc 24538540
3j.jpg 1a5a843000ef617af93a9cad645e3cdf 924877
4a.zip ebabde39ba44d38888dd82606980498a 147150
4b.html 643d159339bd2c9e7604e6fac8e7facc 187795
4b.zip 9a4c2d3a9bd203eb39c9f954a3c997e4 1163745
4c.zip f940fcc37c82e8ff1431e5c3c061611e 270181

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